Wednesday, May 6, 2009

AAM's Meal

When I drove to Williamsburg, while AAM attended law school, I often ended up cooking upon arrival, as well as meals for the next week. Throughout those years, AAM worked hard, and I loved learning how to cook, so this was not an odd relationship. However, this became a big focus of time. So, on one visit, he surprised me. AAM called his dear sister, who directed him over the phone on the basics of cooking with this recipe I will always be thankful because she gave us a wonderful weeknight meal, which will always remind me of his triumphant face upon his first creation.

  • 1 lb of wild shrimp
  • 2 broccoli stalks
  • 2 cups of rice (whole or white)
  • 1 bag of shredded sharp cheddar cheese
  • 1 tb mesquite seasoning
  • salt and pepper
  • Gratin Container (Crate and Barrel makes wonderful and affordable gratins, which I use all the time for different dishes)
1. Cook the rice.
2. With 5 minutes left, steam the chopped broccoli.
3. When finished, mix the rice with 2 cups of cheddar cheese
4. Peel shrimp, put in bowl, and mix with mesquite/Cajun/or spicy seasoning
5. In a gratin individual container, put 1/2 cup of rice mixture, broccoli, and top with 5 or so raw shrimp. Sprinkle with cheese.
6. Cook @375 for 15 minutes. **Be sure to use an oven mitt to remove gratin containers.

Cooks for 5 or 6 .... or for 2, and then lunch for a few days.

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