Monday, May 10, 2010

Chicken, yes chicken

So there are going to be a series of posts that upset the true pescetarians among us. As we all know, while pregnant, I jumped off the cliff into carnivore-mania. Luckily, I have regained most of my footing, and stopped eating red meat and pork. However, there is one lingering meat, the chipper chicken, which I am still consuming. I figure I will return to my pescetarian ways, however in the meantime I am experimenting with recipes. I am oddly excited to cook with different foods, and there are so many recipes I want to try. Right now, between little Serafina's odd sleep schedule and constant feedings, it is hard to get me excited about cooking at all. So, a fresh material helps energize my cooking brain.

Tonight, I cooked a Cheddar Chicken recipe from this months Real Simple. The recipe is from a section on family recipes, however, this family stole it from the recipe from a blender box. Sometimes the best recipes are from the oddest places, ask my mother about where she gets one of our Thanksgiving favorites. Since I am not sure about copyright issues, and if that is covered with magazines, I will just summarize the ingredients. The recipe involves sharp cheddar cheese, garlic, ritz crackers, and butter. Yes, four amazing ingredients all crushed into yummy goodness, then roll the chicken in it. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes, and you have yourself heaven.

We enjoyed it with buttered green beans, fresh bread from Best Buns, unpasteurized cheese from Normandy (hurrah for not being pregnant), and a bottle of wine from the Curious Grape.

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