Monday, August 9, 2010

Easy Pizza

At some later point, I will post a more challenging recipe for handmade pizza dough/sauce/and good toppings. I save that recipe for days where I have ample time to make the dough and let it rise on its own. However, today was not one of those days.

Today, we embraced the second half of AAM's paternity leave and went downtown. The three of us walked from the White House to Chinatown, hitting my old workplace, the National Museum of American History, and the National Gallery on the way.

Observing art at the National Gallery
Resisting the incredibly strong urge to stop for dinner, we commuted home HOV3, which was fantastic by the way. Once home, I realized that the homemade meal I planned did not work, so we went to our fridge staples. Without fail, we always have Boboli whole wheat pizza crust and frozen homemade pizza sauce in the freezer (Simply 4 cloves of garlic simmered, 1 can of crushed tomatoes, and 1 can of tomato paste and let simmer for an hour). I pulled some veggies from the fridge drawer and sauteed them. Sprinkle mozzarella on top, and voila.

The point is that there is time to do things from scratch and there are times to enjoy life's conveniences, without going to ordering junk food. No need for the cardboard pre-made pizzas and this was faster then ordering delivery, and so much better. Before the summer is over, I'll make and post my homemade pizza, but for now we are enjoying the paternity leave!

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