Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A little Tuna Spread

Sometimes, we try and stretch the dollar, and push our pantry until it is empty. For this very reason, I always keep a can of tunafish and some mayo on hand. You can always use up your veggie drawer with some tuna spread. The other day, AAM and I were stocking up, and I told him I am always thoroughly confused in the tuna section. A child of the eighties, my concern for dolphin safety interferes with just grabbing a can off the rack. I told him that it was getting harder and harder to figure out if a company does dolphin-safe fishing. He looked at me floored, and readers might be seeing a trend in this interaction, and explained that all tuna is basically dolphin safe now. Honestly, he shouldn't be shocked, I am so stuck in the eighties that I refer to CVS as Peoples, Blockbuster as Erols, and Whole Foods as Fresh Fields. One would think we were rockin' it in 1985 DC by the way I refer to the world.

Speaking of childhood, here is my homemade tuna spread that we grew up on and adore. It goes really nicely on sandwiches or with a plate of crackers, Kerrygold reserved cheddar cheese*, quartered salt and peppered tomatoes, half a boiled egg, and romaine. In my family, that is called "Mom's lunch," for obvious reasons: it is what she eats for lunch everyday. Don't be afraid to add any sort of veggie to your plate, it goes with everything. In fact this tuna spread, goes really well with tomatoes, so for those previously mentioned tomato wrinkling issues, this is a great method of giving your meal some lycopene. Some people might already do this, but for many it is a shock when I make it in front of them. By mixing the typical ingredients put with tuna in a Cuisinart, you get a wonderfully creamy texture. I abhor the gross textured dryness of canned tuna, so this is a great solution. This recipe can make sandwiches for a week, which makes packing lunch easy!

Tuna Spread Sandwich

  • 1 large can of chunk light tuna (or 2 smaller cans)
  • 3 celery stalks
  • generous serving of ground pepper
  • sprinkle of salt
  • 2.5 tb of mayo
  • 2 slices of tomato
  • 2 slices of Kerrygold Reserved Cheddar*
  • Lettuce
  • Two pieces of Whole Wheat toast
1. Put the celery in a a Cuisinart or blender, and pulse.
2. Next, throw in the tuna, pepper, salt, and mayo on top. 
2. Pulse several times, until the tuna reaches a creamy texture

2. Spread on a sandwich, and serve with tomato, lettuce, cheese on whole wheat. In this picture I used iceberg, which I normally don't buy, but it was left over from a bbq my parents had. A good crunchy romaine is perfect for this sandwich.

*I like the sharpness and richness of Kerrygold, plus it supports the Irish economy. Although I try to buy local when possible, as a dual citizen, I also like to support my family's homeland as well. The Irish economy took a phenomenal dive last year, much worse than here, which is sad considering the Celtic Tiger was turning around history. When we visited last Spring, by the giant open arms every restaurateur and hotelier held towards us, we realized any little effort we make might help. So we try and buy Irish if we see it available.  Kerrygold is at the local market, and supports various dairies around Ireland.

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