Thursday, July 1, 2010

On my way to a casserole...

We are learning how to make our days busy over here. This morning, we went to our bi-weekly yoga class, at Pure Prana in Old Town. Over the last two months, I have developed quite a love for this class, and Serafina is learning to smile and coo at her new baby friends. After class, we met a friend for lunch, and then the three of us walked King Street and enjoying the beautiful weather. I was so lost in thought when we got home, that while Serafina took her nap, I spent an hour on the internet looking for quilting patterns for a quilt I want to make Serafina. Because I want this to be heirloom quality, I seem to be obsessing over the details of the construction, color, and quality. Thus, I spent very little time looking up recipes or planning dinner.

So, about a half an hour before AAM came home, I looked at my fridge and found kale, zucchini, and stale white bread which my mom bought at the Alexandria farmers market.
I decided to make a casserole. I started by taking the bread and throwing it into the Cuisinart. Serafina, sitting in her bouncy chair, looked up at me with glee when the noise of bread shredding permeated the kitchen. I am often shocked that she is not scared of our coffee grinder, and tonight was the first moment she got to hear the Cuisinart. I love my Cuisinart, and the very idea makes me so excited to chop up food. However, we don't have much counter space, so it spends much of its time on the top shelf above the stove. However, lately I developed cooking goals, which makes me tote out machinery to make little things like breadcrumbs. I made two batches, and filled a freezer bag, then labeled the bag. I chopped my onions, and just about the moment I developed tears in my eyes, Serafina started crying too-- except for her bottle. So, I quickly fed her and then we rushed to meet AAM at the bus stop. We love surprising him, and even Serafina seems to figure out that this is a surprise, as she giggled and cooed the entire way over.  She has discovered the world, and watches in glee as we walk in her Lovely Duds wrap. We nearly missed him, but AAM came around the corner smiling. After announcing that I was creating a bizarre concoction, he kindly and happily reminded me that he had to go to a lacrosse game. So, I realized the abstract casserole was going to be too complicated before his game, and we ordered pizza.

So, the supplies were put away for Saturday night, and the pizza ordered. I have set the groundwork for a casserole, but it sometimes takes the perfect timing to create a new dish. Because life does not go as planned, but it helps to be prepared.

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