Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The myth of protein.

Below is a great nugget of an article on protein and vegetarian eating. It discusses what all vegetarians know, you are not lacking in protein, or even iron for that matter, when becoming a vegetarian. Protein naturally occurs in many plants, and it just takes a little knowledge to understand what you are eating. For example, tonight we had black bean burritos with baby spinach, tomatoes, cheese, and onions. A healthy and protein filled meal!  Don't ever let anyone tell you that you MUST eat meat in order to have enough protein. I had coaches and doctors tell me so, and I ended up fortifying my meals with chicken. I felt awful, and it turns out to be entirely unnecessary. However, my present doctor even encouraged me to stay meat-free while pregnant, and she is the head of the obstetrics wing at Virginia Hospital Center. If only little Serafina had cooperated!

Refraining from animal protein can be natural and healthy.

Thanks Charles for posting it on Facebook!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this! This is an odd connection, but I've been spending a lot of time at the zoo and was told how gorillas primarily eat fruits and vegetables. Now, if someone tells me "you need protein to maintain your strength and health" I just think of that 405 lb. silverback who seems to have plenty of energy and strength. There is PLENTY of protein in a vegetarian or vegan diet!
